
Executive Function Coaching & Academic Management Online Course

Have you ever wondered why your child failed a test when they knew the material well? Or, are you tired of reminding your child about the need to complete their homework assignments? While it might be easy to just blame your child for not listening or even question the teacher’s methods, the truth is that many students’ academic struggles can be attributed to their executive functioning skills.

Rachael Barron—parent, seasoned academic coach, and former educational advocate—created the Effective Student Method, providing students and parents a proven resource to master executive function skills.

How does academic coaching work?

Through a series of fun, engaging, lessons, any student can learn how to work smarter and direct their own future academic pursuits. We’ve made it easy to improve study skills, homework organization and planning skills, for kids to become a better student.

Executive function coaching equips students with skills that help them to plan and organize their academic tasks. Learning how to become a better student is possible by using evidence-based methods that combine online lessons with one-on-one coaching for a truly personalized program.


With Effective Students, you’ll learn an easy, step-by-step process to take charge of your education.


Your child can master essential academic skills in as little as 15 minutes per week.


Created by experienced educators, each unit includes mini-lessons, assessments, grading rubrics, and teaching resources.

What Skills are Used for Executive Functioning?

Here’s a way to picture what your child is experiencing: Imagine their brain looks a lot like the inside of their backpack — only, instead of papers, they have thoughts flying all around. They might be rapidly moving from thinking about a research project to suddenly remembering what a friend said at school. With all those thoughts mingling together, things can get messy and less efficient.

Every day, both kids and adults rely upon executive functioning skills to make order out of the chaos that happens in their mind. Examples of executive function skills include:

  • Task initiation and completion
  • Planning & Prioritizing
  • Organization
  • Time management
  • Self-Care
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Shifting from one activity to another
  • Working Memory
  • Perspective Taking
  • Self Monitoring

Effective Students teaches students, parents, and educators how to better recognize executive functions — then helps you improve them, in painless lessons distilled into as few as 15 minutes per week.

Today, our son got into his first choice university.  My husband and I were in awe, because school has never come easy to him and he has worked so hard for this accomplishment. My husband asked me what I attribute this success to. I immediately responded that the weekly executive functioning lessons he took with Rachael Barron through middle school gave him the foundation he needed to thrive in high school. He learned how to be organized and strategic about his studies, which turned into good grades and confidence.

Parent of 12th Grader

“I wish we started with you earlier. I know 11th  grade is really difficult and he is trying his best to keep his head above water, and Noah admitted the other day that he cannot even imagine how it would have been if you were not there. You are teaching him life skills and we are truly appreciative of that.”

B.K. Parent of 11th Grader

“Our coach was GREAT about giving feedback and positive reinforcement, and was able to keep T on track when her mind began to wander during sessions. Her tips for study skills were AMAZING! We really appreciated her willingness to educate us as parents, as well. Our coach was a mentor and coach to us as well, and helped us understand how we can better support T and her academic success.”

Parent of 6th Grade StudentHoly Innocent’s Episcopal School

“Very informative to learn the definition of Executive Function, it has been a buzz word for a while but I had not seen it broken down in such a digestible way.”

Sedgefield Middle School ParentExecutive Function Overview Attendee

“I learned how to study and remember things; how to be responsible for my activities/schedule; how to keep things together and remember where they are.”

9th Grade StudentDecatur High School

“I learned tools to not only be a better student but to increase my abilities as a student.  This class has opened my eyes and helped me to change my learning techniques for a better end result.”

10th Grade StudentThe Westminster School

“My biggest takeaway from this class is that reading is not studying”

10th Grade StudentRiverwood High School

“I learned better ways to study and better ways to plan things in this class”

7th Grade StudentThe Lovett School

“How to slow down and follow all instructions”

7th Grade StudentWoodward Academy

“My biggest takeaway from this class is the binder organization system because in the past, my binders and backpack have been messy and I tend to lose papers.”

10th Grade StudentThe Westminster Schools

“It was great to learn that students can develop their skills regardless of age, which can have a lifelong impact on their well being and success.”

Sedgefield Middle School ParentExecutive Function Overview Attendee

Serving communities of learners nationally, internationally and locally with presentations to and referred by parents and institutions such as:

We Show Students How To Be Successful

When it comes to learning, one of the biggest challenges that you might encounter is finding your child procrastinating. As parents, we’ve all been there at some point — your child suddenly springs a huge announcement about a project the night before it is due. While your mind might be racing trying to figure out how you’ll find a poster board and glitter at 10 o’clock at night, this is actually an opportunity to explore why your child put off the assignment.

Procrastination is a sign of a bigger problem with your child’s executive function skills. They might procrastinate because they lack the ability to manage their time wisely. Or, they may be so stressed out by an element of the assignment that they fear getting started. Executive function coaching is designed to identify your child’s weaknesses and turn them into strengths.

Have You Ever Found Yourself Saying These Things to Your Child?

  • You are too smart to be falling so far behind!
  • I feel like you’re not even trying.
  • Your room looks like a tornado hit it.
  • You need to take a shower, brush your teeth….(when your child is old enough to know)
  • Could you pay attention to me when I’m talking?

Positive parenting begins by realizing that these statements all represent that your child has needs that aren’t being met. Giving your child resources that teach self management skills for students can restore harmony in your relationship and help them do better in school.

The Effective Student program provides:

  • Increased Academic Achievement

  • Increased Memory Function

  • Increased Self Awareness

  • Increased Collaboration

  • Better Behavior and Focus

  • Better Emotional Management

  • Better Stress Management

  • Better Problem Solving

Head over to the Learning Platform and check out the course.

The Effective Student program combines an Online Executive Function Skills Course along with Expert Coaching in support of online, onsite and place-based learners.

Rachael Barron

Tell us a little about what you’re looking for so we can determine if we are the best fit for your student.

Trusted Academic Coaches

Let one of our coaches bridge the communication gap around academics for you or your student.
Enroll in an Effective Students course and schedule executive coaching sessions at times that work for you!

How Our Courses Help with Executive Functioning

Each course in our program is designed to address common problems with executive functioning. Your child will learn how to self-lead by taking the initiative to begin a project. Our courses and executive functioning workshops are specially designed to teach study skills for by providing hands-on experiences that accompany their online learning materials.

Your child will learn how to assemble and maintain a binder with tabbed dividers to stay organized. They’ll also learn how to estimate how much time a project will take so that they can break it down into manageable tasks. Throughout the entire journey, your child can meet for live private learning sessions with professional coaches who provide instant feedback on your child’s progress.

Partner With A Highly Qualified Academic Coach to Help Your Child Succeed

If it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a team of invested adults to help children overcome learning challenges and educational gaps. An executive function coach works with you and your child to help them build these skills so they grow into a position to self-manage.

Our Effective Student Method™ combines online lessons with the opportunity to connect with an executive function coach who is experienced in helping children with a wide range of needs and abilities succeed academically. As your child starts our program, they’ll work through interactive online courses that teach skills that build upon what was previously taught to help increase your child’s confidence and competence.

During live coaching sessions, you and your child can talk about any struggles that they are encountering at school and practice applying new strategies to address. Later, when your child has completed their course, they can still arrange for maintenance sessions to help keep them on a continuous path for progress.

Executive functioning skills aren’t just helpful for getting your child through school. Your child will one day grow up and continue to use these skills for the rest of their life. Learning how to initiate tasks and carry them through to completion is an ability that can be applied to everything from writing a report to managing a company. Teaching your child these skills now helps them to hit their goals and reach their fullest potential.