
Why Parents Love Effective Students

Our Parents

Our parents were tired of arguing with their kids about assignments. They knew their students could perform better with a little structure and reliable processes. Our parents could see what was missing, but their child was resistant, creating frustration and tension on both sides.  

Every parent wants their child to succeed, but many don’t know how to help when they struggle.  Our parents have learned to preserve sanity and improve relationships.  The Effective Student™ Method simplifies what a student needs to be successful; engaging them in their own learning, working smarter, not harder. 

What parents are saying…

“Today, our son got into his first choice university. My husband and I were in awe, because school has never come easily to him and he has worked so hard for this accomplishment.  My husband asked me what I attribute this success to.  I immediately responded that the weekly executive functioning lessons he took with Rachael Barron through middle school gave him the foundation he needed to thrive in high school. He learned how to be organized and strategic about his studies, which turned into good grades and confidence.”

Debbie M. Parent of High School Senior

Lunch & Learn for Parents

September 24 – Guest Speaker Dr. Kathy Fine – What to expect each year of High School to prepare for college

October 1 – Time management and how to align expectations (corresponding student class below)

Time Management Workshop for Students

October 15 – Grit & Growth Mindset, what is our role in the struggle?

October 29 – Emotional regulation and what is happening in our student’s brains!

November 12 – Fostering healthy communication – at what stage does that change from child to young adult?

December 3 – Anxiety and the impact on self determination

Location: Virtually

We invest so much in our children, now you can invest in yourself!  The Effective Parent Series is a multi-session class to build our own executive functioning skills. Join us to learn valuable skills we can use as parents and build them in our children.

Where We Can Help You and Your Student: 

  • Give you skills to help your child experience success in school and for their future through a tried and tested Executive Function curriculum.  
  • Remove the stress of daily management from each other’s lives and focus on bigger goals.
  • Have a method to exchange information, delegate and steps to help your child follow through.
  • Develop academic independence and ultimately, an organized young adult. 
  • Provide your child meaningful lifelong lessons, without you being the teacher, and share in the benefits.
  • Enjoy peace of mind knowing your child is on the path to self-sufficient study habits.

What parents are saying…

“This has been an excellent experience that has given me some tools to support my son.”

LisaParent of 6th Grader

How we can get there:

 Not sure what’s the best fit for your student?