
Teach Executive Function Skills with Help from Effective Students

Teaching time management, organizational skills, and study skills, is a challenging task when you are inundated with state-based test scores and performance goals from your administration. Implementing the Effective Student™ course into your classroom and curriculum can help.

Executive Functioning Lesson Plans for Teachers

Educators love Effective Students because we make it easier to teach executive function content and time management skills by helping your students better self-manage their academics. With assistance from our executive functioning training program for teachers, in as little as 15 minutes each week, your students can overcome learning difficulties and develop the executive function skills they need to succeed in Elementary School and High School.

LEAD center for youth

Looking for Professional Development for your team?

“Thank you so much for the presentation today. My background is in Developmental Psychology, so much of this was familiar, however, I really appreciated hearing about it in the context of working with our students. One of my goals with students is to create awareness about these skills to help with college (and life!) readiness. I have saved your information for possible future referrals and already shared your information with a friend.”

PhD. Educational Psychology - College Advisor

Downloadable Lessons you can use today!

Select the unit(s) you need.

Executive Function Skills,

Organization, Time Management

Study Skills, Performance

Analysis & Case Studies.

Effective Student Method™ Instructor Manual

288 pages of lessons, activities

grading rubrics, quizzes,

student checklists for self monitoring,

progress reports & parent handouts.

Instructor Course

The Instructor Course & Curriculum for the Effective Student™

Self-paced educator course for

executive function skills. Includes

instructional videos, & slide decks to

customize student instruction.

Schedule a Free Call

How can these resources help my learning community?

  • short engaging lessons
  • evidenced based with measurable criteria
  • student centric
  • metacognitive exercises increasing student engagement
  • supportive of SEL state standards
  • multi-sensory activities
  • time management exercises supporting responsible decision making
  • parent resources for wrap-around support

The overall goal is to help students achieve success with academic content. (per page 5 of the manual). I have to add that the goal is broader and deeper than helping students and the success being purely academic. The students are people – future parents and business owners, and the success might manifest itself in academics right now, but we are helping to train habits of self-discipline that will allow these people to be successful in life. One never outgrows the need for good organization, good time management; nor the need to know oneself or to know what activities are effective for learning and how to self evaluate for equal or greater success in the future.

Amy ListroAssistant Principal

Try Our Free Time Management Lesson Plan for Educators

The My Available Time lesson plan by Effective Students makes teaching time management skills practical. The lesson can be completed in 15-20 minutes in the classroom or as homework and lead to favorable time management for students in the long term.

What’s Included:

  • Online course for executive functioning with practical lessons for immediate use
  • Six units and over 20 mini lessons for classroom, small group or 1:1 instruction
  • Comprehensive teacher’s manual with lesson plans. 
  • Pacing guides (Content Classes & Study Strategies Classes) 
  • Grading rubrics
  • Mini lessons with hooks for classroom instruction 
  • Instructional videos for use in the classroom
  • Slide presentations that can be used for teacher led direct instruction
  • Printable exercises and workbooks for students 
  • Printable handouts for parents to match pacing and student lessons
  • Optimal skills by grade level
  • Community support and mentoring

Educator Workshop

Learn about Executive Functioning skills and how to build them within students 

  • One year of access to the Effective Student Instructor Course
  • Educator Workshop
    • Four live training sessions and orientation to curriculum resources.
    • Icebreakers for students, how to engage parents, and sharing with coworkers how the Effective Student Method™ will support their teaching efforts.
    • Reaching the challenging learner, the role of anxiety and value of routine.
    • Review of pacing guides and planning for school year for content and/or study skills teachers.
  • One year of access to the Effective Student Curriculum
    • Comprehensive instructional resources addressing the executive function skills needed to be a successful student.
    • Includes exercises to build to academic management skills and executive functions soft skills.
    • Why these skills are important and how to deliver instruction in only 15 minutes per week
    • Instructional videos and exercises for teachers & coaches.
    • Instructional videos for use with students.
    • Teaching resources for each unit including lesson overviews, lesson plans, slide decks for instructions student workbooks with exercises, grading rubrics, pacing guides specific to study skills and content level classes.
    • Student materials for each unit.
    • Parent handouts for each unit.
    • Measurable skills for students to build on year after year.

Effective Students is a proud supporter of the following organizations.

The Star Student Award presented by:

Are you interested in Implementing the Effective Student™ course into your classroom or school curriculum?



© 2024 Effective Students by W3 Connections Inc.