Effective Student Workshops



Trusted Executive

Function Bootcamp

In Louisville, KY

A teacher leans over a desk where two female high school students sit and review something on an open laptop.

Effective Students has a ten year history of preparing Middle and High School students with critical academic management skills for success. Students often want to do well but can become frustrated and discouraged when they lack the skills to manage time, stay organized and study effectively.  In four, two hour classes, students can build learn simple steps to:

  • Organize materials to improve efficiency
  • Organize online resources
  • Evaluate, manage time, plan ahead and prioritize
  • Use metacognition to study effectively and in consideration of academic strengths and weakness
  • Evaluate and utilize resources to study for different types of classes
  • Take notes and manage projects
  • Think flexibly
  • Evaluate their performance transparently
  • Learn how to adjust to challenges for improved results
  • Build skills they can use through their educational career and into adulthood
Parents receive:
  • Structured lessons that are easy for students to follow
  • Tips about how to communicate with their students about school
  • Summaries of each day’s lesson to foster collaboration
  • Relief knowing their students will acquire practical skills they can use right away.

Workshop Dates & Times

  • February 1st – 9:00am – 11:00am
  • February 2nd – 11:00am – 1:00pm
  • February 8th – 9:00am – 11:00am
  • February 9th – 11:00am – 1:00pm

The Effective Student Workshop is appropriate for students in grades 6th – 11th who are able to work independently or in a small group setting with moderate support.  Students may or may not also have support in the school environment.  This class is designed to teach students how to simplify school management.

What Middle and High School Parents are saying:


“After my girls took this class, they had a clear understanding of how to plan ahead and how to study.  It changed their educational path and they used the skills they learned through their college and graduate school careers!”

Set your student up for success!

Learning how to plan and study can change a student’s educational experience.

Apple on top of a stack of books

Student Testimonials

Here’s what real students say about Effective Students Workshops:

  • “I learned how to study and take notes.” 7th Grader
  • “I learned that you have to work hard but once you learn and practice, it’s easy” 9th Grader
  • “Take your time and read everything. Plan out your projects and weeks” 9th Grader
  • “My biggest takeaway from this class is that reading is not studying” 10th grader
  • “I learned better ways to study and better ways to plan things in this class” 7th grader
  • “How to slow down and follow all instructions”  7th grader
  • “My biggest takeaway from this class is the binder organization system because in the past, my binders and backpack have been messy and I tend to lose papers.” 10th grader

© 2024 Effective Students by W3 Connections Inc.