
Conveniently located

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 Registration Is Now Open for

The Effective Student Workshop

Helping Students Develop Executive Functioning Skills

Executive functions are a set of mental processes that enable us to plan and implement all while remaining well regulated. These important skills are considered to be a leading indicator of long term success.  When students struggle with executive functions, they can become frustrated and disengaged from learning.  

Effective Students, a seasoned expert in the area of executive functioning development of middle and high school students has opened the Effective Student Workshop, hosted by the Louisville Collegiate School to support students throughout the Louisville community. 

The Effective Student Workshop Registration is now open for students in grades 6th – 11th.

Apple on top of a stack of books

Equipping Students To Reach Their Academic Potential

Supporting Learners in Grade School through College

Executive functions are skills that develop from early adolescence through young adulthood that involve self regulation, perspective taking, planning & prioritizing and task completion. Studies show that executive functioning skills are the leading indicators of long term success. 

Specialized instruction includes:

    • Personalized Success Coaching
    • Study Skills Instruction
    • Organization
    • Time Management & Planning Ahead
    • Performance assessment
    • Test preparation
    • Self Agency & Self Advocacy

Does your student need a boost to

become an Effective Student?